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เรื่อง Important of Diary for self-expression and communication
เขียนโดย Pattama Thip-O-sot

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Do you keep a journal?  I was just wondering, because I've been noticing more and more websites where people are posting their journals or diaries, or use their blogs as a kind of journal.  There are a lot of benefits associated with keeping a journal –– mental, emotional, and even physical.  Studies have found that, when people write about their deepest thoughts and feelings in a journal, it can result in fewer doctor visits, fewer depressive symptoms, and enhanced immune system functioning.  And this is besides the mental and emotional benefits of writing about your feelings and any problems, crises, or the joys that occur in your life.

    When you keep a journal, you have the chance to sort out your thoughts and feelings about conditions, issues, and people in your life.  Writing helps to clarify your ideas and get your problem-solving juices flowing.  And when you look back on your journals, you can more easily see any patterns that you may have fallen into, or keep track of your progress in your goals.  And most of all,  you get to know the "real" you.

    A journal is a great tool for self-expression and communication, and you can take it one step further, by sharing a journal with the important people in your life.  Relationships of all kinds can be enhanced by a kind of mutual journal that you share with someone else.  You could set up a "family journal," where everyone took time to put down their thoughts or feelings, or record memories, and then passed it on to the next person.  Or you could have a "relationship journal" with a spouse or significant other, or a "friendship journal," which you share with your circle of friends.

    So, my dear, why not put pen to paper (or finger to keyboard) and get started on a wonderful journey of self-exploration and strengthening your relationships, let try it out you will love to write, espeacially when you are in an emotional of hurt .. its help!!!  

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